
Student involvement in the community happens in various ways. 学生们可以站出来领导校园里的任何社团, they may become inspired to conceive a project and involve their peers, 或者他们可能在下面列出的一个小组中任职.



由我们的教师挑选, student 学术委员会 representatives are an important part of the 学术委员会, which reviews the status of students on the Academic Warning lists, 或者有其他学业困难的学生. 在这些会议上, the committee tries to help the struggling student (who attends with his or her advisor) by suggesting strategies or methods that might result in greater success.



社区委员会 is an organization comprised of representatives from each grade, 每个年级有一名指导老师, 以及每个宿舍的额外代表. 它全年都在策划各种活动——舞会, 一年一度的万圣节服装比赛, 情人节鲜花大拍卖, 和其他人. The group is also the primary means for students to express their needs and concerns, 并看到采取行动. 社区议会主席 (见上图我们2019-2020年的总统) are elected by their peers and 教师 after a brief campaign each spring.



Proctors are student leaders who oversee the daily routines and guidelines in the dormitories. The proctor’s position is a very important one; they are leaders in this community who we think will work well with the teachers and the students. The proctors are responsible for planning and leading activities for their dorm and for the larger community. 监考员帮助培养和维持积极的宿舍文化. They help students and dorm parents support boarding students in their residential life experience. The proctoring role is one that may be difficult at times and requires a great deal of responsibility.  



韦德娱乐app下载地址的全体学生, 教师, 工作人员被分成四个房间, 以我们的创始人命名:霍尔姆斯特, 沃什伯恩, 莱斯罗普, 和厄斯金. Houses compete throughout the year for house points, with a winning house awarded at year's end. 我们院领导的目标是带领他们的院走向胜利, meeting regularly with our 社区委员会 to plan and promote house events and competitions.



The overall 司法委员会 (JC) contains 11 students and 11 教师 members. Present at the JC meeting are typically two students and two 教师 members. Serious rule infractions are referred for JC’s review and the committee makes recommendations to the Head of School or Associate Head of School. 学生JC代表是, 因此, an integral part of the disciplinary decision-making process.


Each year, a number of students are selected to become 同行的领导人. They receive special and extensive training on how to counsel their peers on the many different and complex issues that adolescents face. 同行的领导人 meet as a group on Mondays and then with new student groups on Tuesdays during the fall trimester.



The 同侪教导 program has a number of student volunteers to tutor other students who are struggling in particular classes. Questions about or requests for this service should be directed to the 同侪教导 Coordinator.