Evie Lee ' 25在2023年学术艺术中获得国家银奖 & Writing Awards

We are proud to announce Evie Lee ’25 在2023年学院派文艺活动中获全国诗歌银奖 & 写作奖,由青年艺术家联盟颁发 & Writers.

The Scholastic Art & 写作奖有一个令人印象深刻的遗产可以追溯到1923年. Over the years, 该奖项已发展成为历史最悠久的奖项, 美国最负盛名的创意青少年认可项目.S.也是美国为富有创造力的年轻艺术家和作家提供奖学金的最大来源. 值得注意的是,过去的获奖者名单包括安迪·沃霍尔, Sylvia Plath, Truman Capote, Richard Avedon, Robert Redford, Joyce Carol Oates, Stephen King, John Updike, and many more.

Each year, 该联盟与全国100多个视觉和文学艺术组织合作,将该奖项带到当地社区. 7至12年级的青少年可以申请28个艺术和写作类别的奖学金,并有机会展示或出版他们的作品. 提交的作品由视觉和文学艺术领域的杰出人士评审, 其中一些人是过去的获奖者. 小组成员寻找最能体现原创性的作品, technical skill, 以及个人声音或愿景的出现.

More than 100,000名学生提交了260多份,2000件艺术作品和写作作品获得2023年奖学金. Evie的作品因其卓越的独创性而被视觉和文学艺术领域的一些最重要的领导者选中, technical skill, 以及个人声音或愿景的出现. Less than 2,000件作品获国家奖章, Evie在所有提交作品中排名前1%!

Other by Evie Lee ’25

that’s what i am.
as if i’m a book in the library:
The Racially Ambiguous.
the privileges i will receive, 
is denounced to an 
of an option.
still, i could have it worse.
they are choked out
constantly by the grip
of racial injustice.
if my neck aches,
they can’t breathe.

different races
were found doing the unthinkable. immoral. 
that’s what they are.
that’s what my parents are.
does that make me a 
brought it in front of the court,
would she be dead?
if they saw my parents
through my father’s window,
or would it be 
bulldozed to the ground,
just like they stripped the
house of equality 
from the Earth.

or am i, 
with my radical ideas,
and my dreams of equality,
the true devourer
of their good night’s sleep?

i am the
i am the 
regret that no one   
wants to acknowledge.
i am the   
torn apart body, 
ripped to shreds   
by the vultures
of hatred and aversion
to the unknown. 
i am the leftover. 
i am “other”. 


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